
Welcome to Electronic Links International (Canada) website.
We are currently rebuiling our site to better support our existing and soon to be released products.

Office and Operations in Toronto, ON Canada, and Buffalo, NY, USA.

  • In-Home Gigabit Fiber Internet is here!

    Electronic Links International (Canada) will soon release the new Gigabit Fiber Internet Media Converter for use in Homes. The GFIMC delivers upto 1000 Mbps (Gigabit) data over inexpensive Plastic Optical Fiber. It will now provide home users with the ability to extend a Gigabit Fiber Internet throughout the home, for fast, secure, and affordable connections.

  • IP68 Compliance-Rated Deutsch Connector Terminations

    Electronic Links International (Canada) has recently released a new line of IP68 Protection Class Compliance Rated Deutsch Connectorized Pigtails in 4 and 6 pin configurations using a proprietary process for encapsulating stranded or solid wire conductors and assemblies.

  • Control is Everything. Communication, is Controlling, Everything.™

    Electronic Links International (Canada) offers a full line of MADE-IN-CANADA control and communication solutions relating to IoT, Machine Vision, HDMI, USB, WiFi, Bluetooth, and now, Fiber.

  • In-Home Gigabit Fiber Internet is here!

    Electronic Links International (Canada) will soon release the new Gigabit Fiber Internet Media Converter for use in Homes. The GFIMC delivers upto 1000 Mbps (Gigabit) data over inexpensive Plastic Optical Fiber. It will now provide home users with the ability to extend a Gigabit Fiber Internet throughout the home, for fast, secure, and affordable connections.

  • IP68 Compliance-Rated Deutsch Connector Terminations

    Electronic Links International (Canada) has recently released a new line of IP68 Protection Class Compliance Rated Deutsch Connectorized Pigtails in 4 and 6 pin configurations using a proprietary process for encapsulating stranded or solid wire conductors and assemblies.


We're launching our Fiber-in-the-Home site: FITH.ca soon.
Keep watching for launch updates. Contact: info@electronic-links.ca

ALL PRODUCTS ARE MADE IN CANADA. This website is not affiliated with any other site or company being similar in wording or appearance. This is the independent, wholly owned official site of Electronic-Links Intn'l (Canada). All information on this site and or any subsiduary or associated site is property of Electronic-Links Intn'l (CANADA).